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Category: Youth Parliament

Youth Parliament

(Virtual) – Call for Online Participants 6th East African Youth Parliament (Vijana Assembly) 10th-11th November 2023, Arusha, Tanzania

Youth voices and collective voices ensure the ownership and participation of the sustainable development goals most importantly the integration of the East African Community.  Launched in 2018 by the Faraja Africa Foundation in partnership with the European Union, Akina Mama wa Africa, Action Aid, the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, the Parliament of Uganda, GIZ, EACSOF, the East African Legislative Assembly, Tunaweza, Success Hands, and other partners, the 6th East African Youth Parliament (Virtual) is a flagship cross-border advocacy program. In order to support a coordinated regional governance framework, it seeks to incorporate young perspectives in significant decision-making processes, ranging from national to regional legislative procedures.


“Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and youth engagement in key decision-making processes” is the theme for this year’s Inte

Verify your eligibility by seeing if you meet the requirements listed below. A young person from East Africa, either male or female, will be between the ages of 18 and 35 on November 12, 2023. 1. -Fill out the application. 2. -Publish a social media post using the hashtags #EACYouthParliament23 on any platform of your choosing. 3. -Follow the Faraja Africa Foundation and the East African Youth Parliament on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter at @farajaafricafdn, like the Faraja Africa Foundation page on Facebook, and follow the Faraja Africa Foundation on Instagram. (In your post, mention or tag @FarajaAfricaFdn and #EACYouthParliament23.)

Application Procedure


Deadline: November 1, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. For additional details and questions, send an email to

Youth Parliament

Mkutano Wa Pili Kuelekea Bunge La Vijana Afrika Mashariki 2021 (Vijana Legislative Assembly Tanzania): 15th October 2021

Katika kuelekeza nguvu kazi ya kutatua changamoto za vijana kwa njia ya uwasilishwaji wa hoja za kimantiki katika njia ya bunge, vijana kutoka Tanzania chini ya mradi wa Bunge la Vijana Afrika Mashariki siku ya leo tarehe 15th Oktoba 2021, walikutana chou kikuu Dar es salaam na wengine kwa njia ya mtandao, hususani watu wa mkoani kam Geita, Kagera, Chato, Tanga, Simiyu , bukoba nk. Kumchagua spika wao wa Mkutano na makatibu wenye dhamana ya kuendesha mkutano na kukubaliana kwa maadhimio ya uwasilishwaji wa hoja kwa ajili ya matekelezo katika Bunge la Vijana Afrika Mashariki.

Mradi Huu, ukiwa Chini ya  Taasisi ya Faraja Africa Foundation wakishirikiana na Bunge la Afrika Mashariki na taasisi zisizozakiserikali kama success hands na Tunaweza. Mheshimiwa spika mteule wa mkutano huu aliyeshinda kwa kura 94% ni Mhe.Novatus Marandu akifwatiwa na naibu spika aliyeongoza kwa kura 87% Mhe. Khayman Yakuti.

Katika Mkutano huu,Hoja tatu zilijadiliwa na kufikiwa makubaliano ya kuwasilishwa katika Bunge la Vijana Afrika Mashariki mnamo tarehe 11-12 Oktoba 2021. Hoja zilizojadiliwa ni kama zifuatazo:

  1. Hoja ya Azimio ya Vijana ya kuiomba serikali kuondoa sheria ya makato ya tozo za mialmala ya simu kwa kuwa si Rafiki kwa watu wakipato cha chini, vijana wa vyuo vikuu na wanaoishi vijijini.
  2. Hoja ya Azimio la kuiomba serikali kushughulikia changamoto za unyanyasahi wa kijinsia wa nyumbani na ukatili wa kijinsia zinazowakabili Watoto, wasichana na wanawake katika wakati wa janga hili wa UVIKO-19.
  3. Hoja ya kuiomba serikali kuunda benki ya maendeleo ya vijana kwa ajili ya kuwasaidia vijana ambao hawakopesheki na taasisi za kibenki na kupata mkopo wa riba nafuu.

Rtn, Hon Novatus Marandu addressing the August House

Hoja hizi kwa ujumla wake, zilijadiliwa na mapendekezo yalitolewa katika mstakabadhi ya namna sahihi, changamoto za vijana katika ngazi hizo kuu tatu zinaweza kutatuliwa.

Pamoja na makubaliano yakimkakati yaliyojadiliwa katika siku hiyo nchini Tanzania ni Pamoja na;

  1. Serikali kutengeneza mazingira Rafiki katika swala zima la kurepoti matendo ya unyanyasaji wa kijinsia hususani huongezeko la mda wa kazi mpaka masaa 24 kwenye dawati la jinsia.
  2. Serikali kutengenza mazingira rafiki katika uombaji wa mkopo kwa vijana kutoka ngazi ya halmashauri mpaka ngazi ya kutengeneza kitengo cha benki ya maendeleo ya vijana.
  3. Serikali kuangalia kwa jicho la tatu swala la elimu hususani yenye kukidhi mahitaji ya karne ya 21 kwa kuimairisha teknolojia na elimu.

Kama Taasisi, Faraja Africa Foundation Pamoja na wadau wamaendeleo tunaamini  katika Nguvu ya kijana kutatua changamoto zake mwenyewe kupitia Nyanja sahihi ya Uongozi uliowekwa kwa njia ya mazungumzo.

By Thekla Axel Schulte

Country Coordinator Tanzania



Youth Parliament

Call for Participants-East African Youth Parliament(Vijana Assembly) 11-12th November 2021, Arusha, Tanzania

The East African Youth Parliament is a cross-border advocacy flagship program initiated by Faraja Africa Foundation in partnership with, European Union, Action Aid, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, the East African Legislative Assembly and other partners that started in 2018. It aims at having youth voices in the key decision-making processes, right from our national to regional legislative processes, inspiring a coordinated regional governance framework. The East African Youth Parliament not only offers an opportunity to unite the youth in the region but also build their capacity in leadership, policy, and cross-border advocacy. Most importantly give them a platform to engage with key policymakers; Members of Parliament, Ministers, and Heads of State towards making responsive youth/people-centred policies.  


Today, the East African Youth Parliament not only offers an opportunity to unite the youth in the region but also build their capacity in leadership, policy, and cross-border advocacy. Most importantly give them a platform to engage with key policymakers; Members of Parliament, Ministers, and Heads of State towards making responsive youth/people-centred policies. This year, we have yet an opportunity on the 11th -12th November 2021 to convene the 4th East African Youth Parliament at the East Africa Legislative Assembly in Arusha, Tanzania under the theme; “Youth at Crossroads: Quest for descent livelihood amidst the threat of Climate change and the COVID 19 Pandemic. 

Over 100 young people will be selected to meet physically and 100 digitally deliberate on policy issues, push for ACDEG and social justice issues back in the charter to solve youth challenges directly engaging with the East African Legislative Assembly in the EAC. The two-day sitting will bring national youth councils, student councils, civil society leaders, regional parliaments, ministry reps from the region and EALA. Increasing the advocacy platform for meaningful advocacy, since resolutions and petitions out of the sitting inform discussions at EALA. 

Application Procedure

Check your eligibility – do you fulfil the following Prerequisite?

A young East African (female or male) between the age of 18 – 35 years as of December 31st 2021? Then;

1. Complete the application form CLICK HERE

2. Make a social media post on any social media platform of your choice with hashtags #EAYouthParliament21 

3. Follow East African Youth Parliament and Faraja Africa Foundation; Twitter – @FarajaAfricaFdn | Like Page on Facebook – Faraja Africa Foundation | Follow on Instagram – @farajaafricafdn| and on LinkedIn-Faraja Africa Foundation

(Mention or tag #EAYParliament #VijanaAssembly21 and @FarajaAfricaFdn in your post.

Deadline: 1st November 2021 at 11:59 pm EAT.

For more information and inquiries, email


Youth Parliament

Call for Applications to The Vijana Legislative Assembly Tanzania, 2021


The Vijana Legislative Assembly-Tanzania is a platform that builds up to the East African Youth Parliament initiated by Faraja Africa Foundation. Vijana is a Swahili word to mean youth, and the assembly is aimed at fostering safe spaces for increased youth participation in parliamentary and legislative processes, civic and political affairs within the EAC partner states.

This is a call for participants in Tanzania to join in and be part of processes that contribute to the strengthening of participatory decision-making that enables pursuits for employment and increased access to empowering social services for the youth in Tanzania on the 15th October 2021. We are proud to partner with Voice of Youth Tanzania, Tunaweza and other partners.

The 2021 Vijana Legislative Assembly Sitting will engage 100 youth in leadership both physical (30) and (70) in Virtually all regions in Tanzania.

The Vijana Legislative Assembly aims at:

▪   Creating a safe and inclusive youth space for decision-making on democratic and political issues.

▪   Increase youth participation in policymaking, developing of youth-focused policies, and increasing youth civic engagement and advocacy.

▪   Draw the attention of key decision-makers to the issues pertinent to young people’s livelihood and affirmative Government funding to minimize the effects of the COVID pandemic on youth.

▪   Ensure follow-up on the progress and actions are taken on issues raised in the 1st Vijana Legislative Assembly (2020) including an inbuilt accountability mechanism that ensures that issues of the young people have a result-driven focus as well.

1.     Develop strategies for enhancing the quality of youth engagements in political processes at all levels and improving youth development and mentoring opportunities for effective engagements in civic and political decision-making processes


1.     A Resident of Tanzania aged between 18-35years.

2.     A proven record of leadership and accomplishment in business, entrepreneurship, civic engagement, or public/government service.

3.     Demonstrated knowledge and interest in social justice issues affecting youth in Tanzania.

4. Understanding of the Focus and Goals of the Vijana Legislative Assembly of Tanzania Sitting.

5. Fully tested and are COVID19 free 24hrs to the event (for physical participants)