Platform for Youth Inclusion in Politics (PYIP) Launch – Press Release

In preparation to Uganda’s scientific elections as indicated in the roadmap launched on 16th June by the Electoral Commission; a coalition of civil society entities, youth-led and youth-focused organizations, councils, political party youth leagues, academia and the informal sector have come together to form the Platform for Youth Inclusion in Politics (PYIP). It is formed as a special purpose vehicle to galvanize joint efforts and collaboration towards youth inclusion in politics. Several engagements under the PYIP are scheduled to take place Pre-During-Post 2021 general elections.
PYIP is structured in three sections which include; a) Accountability whose main role is to ensure technical and financial support is available for PYIP to achieve its purpose, its led by civil society organization representatives which include; ActionAid Uganda (the current secretariat), Westminster Foundation for Democracy and Restless Development Uganda. The second section is b) Governance spearheaded by youth-led organizations including; Faraja Africa Foundation, Open Space Uganda, IDEA Uganda, Interparty Youth Platform and CEPA. Their main role is to execute the work PYIP is meant to do towards bringing to life its purpose. Lastly is the c) Network of organizations such as the National Youth Council, the Uganda National Students Association among other stakeholders. Whose main role is to work with the governance section in PYIP execution.

As PYIP, we seek to advocate for policies and inclusive legislative processes that will enable Uganda and the region at large to reap the fruits of the marginalized demography of young people. PYP’s work is hinged on five core actions that include; civic education, youth voter mobilization, candidate capacity building, facilitate platforms for engagement that support democracy and inclusion and more election-related interventions that ensure meaningful youth inclusion in political processes. PYIP was launched on the 23rd July 2020 at Eureka hotel and hosted over 100 young people on zoom with a streaming audience on Facebook of over 400 young people in Uganda. It’s launched marked as its inauguration and beginning of its work, we believe with the collective effort we can unite the young people of Uganda and champion a free and fair environment for meaningful participation in political processes during and after the 2021 elections.