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Call for Applications
Youth Parliament

Call for Applications to the 5th Sitting of the East African Youth Parliament (Vijana Assembly) Arusha Tanzania

It’s that time of the year once again!! As a young woman or man, have you ever seen yourself taking charge in addressing issues of your country at the East African level? Well, the 5th East African Youth Parliament (EAYP), also known as the Vijana Assembly, is here to give you that platform on the 14th – 15th of November 2022. EAYP is an invented regional policy advocacy space that brings cross-sector youth leaders to the East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) and the East African Community (EAC) Headquarters annually in Arusha, Tanzania. It amplifies youth voices in high-level key decision-making spaces bridging national boundaries to allow cross-border advocacy, mobilisation and lobbying for young people-centred policies and seeking inclusion in democratic processes, service delivery and coordinated governance mechanisms, among other issues key to all youth across gender and all forms of their diversities.

This year, the Vijana Assembly is under the theme; “Intergenerational solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages and Inclusion with descent livelihood amidst the threat of Climate Change in the post-pandemic era.” Cross-cutting issues integrating the theme discussion are gender inclusivity, diversity, human rights, peace and security. The 5th EAYP seating is expected to have both online and physical young men and women participants. Young people between the ages 18-35 from youth and student council structures, civil society, entrepreneurs, political youth leagues, influencers, opinion leaders and cross-cutting sectors from the East African Region are to participate.

Direct invitations to apply to existing youth structures mentioned above have been made, but here is an opportunity for you to APPLY AS WELL; use the link here Please note it’s limited space; hence, only a few participants will be considered for online and only exceptional ones for physical participation, prioritising the structures and categories above.

Faraja Africa Foundation has organised this year’s sitting in partnership with the East African Legislative Assembly, European Union, Action Aid, Akina Mama Wa Africa, the Parliament of Uganda, East African Civil Society Forum, East African Youth Network, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, Success Hands Tz, Tunaweza, Voice of Youth Tanzania, and other partners. The EAYP is about using the space for advocating for inclusive youth policies and amplifying voices in informing and influencing policy formulation in the East African Community and her partner states. Therefore, all our voices matter; let us use all available avenues on social media and other digital platforms to reach this goal alongside the physical presence.

EAYP Organizing Team