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Advocacy for the African Charter for Democracy, Elections and Good Governance (ACDEG)

Project overall goal 

 To popularize and to advocate for the signing ratification of the African charter for democracy and good go in east Africa

Target group 

 Parliamentarians, youth leaders and duty bearers in ministerial positions and heads of states


Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania

Date  of Implementation 

 June 30th, 2017-November 2019

Project description 

FAF popularises the African Charter for Democracy, Elections and Good Governance amongst the local people in the communities; and also enables them to use ACDEG as a guiding tool for meaningful and good governance in ahead of the upcoming party and national elections.  

Uganda is one of the countries that run under the multi-party-political system and will hold her political parties’ primary elections next year.  

Many young people are unaware of their civic duties, and the few who desire to influence and be part of free and fair democratic processes do not have the means or technicality to achieve that. This is simply due to a lack of information, and those who have it lack the technical skills to facilitate civic discussions that build awareness for action. It’s important to note that Uganda was one of the first countries to sign the African Charter for Democracy, Elections and Good Governance (ACDEG), which speaks to good practices in not only electoral processes but, most importantly, the involvement of young people.  

This project targets young women and men in Eastern and Central Uganda, specifically from Kampala and Palisa. The focus is to increase the awareness about ACDEG among young people in Kampala and Palisa, helping them consolidate their understanding of the charter hence creating peer advocates. This was further achieved by training youth to be influencers of ACDEG on how they can bring information to the group discussions they belong to. Not looking for new spaces but using the existing spaces and employing a diffusion of innovation and creativities.  


Action aid

Westminster Foundation for Democracy