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Category: Youth Sounding Board Uganda

YSB Launch
VolunteersYouth Sounding Board Uganda

Call for Applications – EU Youth Sounding Board, Uganda Season Two


The European Union (EU) recognizes the importance of youth engagement, participation, and inclusion as a key aspect to its external action and international partnership agenda. As part of this commitment, the EU seeks to amplify the voices of young people and ensure their perspectives are integrated into the design and implementation of EU policies and programs in partner countries such as Uganda. To advance this agenda, the EU Delegation to Uganda established a Youth Sounding Board (YSB), composed of twenty Ugandan youth. This initiative aims to provide a platform for youth to actively contribute to shaping EU-Uganda relations, fostering a more inclusive and responsive approach to development cooperation.

The YSB is a platform aimed at ensuring the EU development cooperation is more participatory, relevant, and effective for young people in Uganda. The YSB seeks to create opportunities for young people and youth organizations to express their views, connect with each other and the EU Delegation and EU Member States in Uganda. Ugandan youth between 18-30 years are eligible for this call for applications to the Season Two YSB after which a selection will be made that ensures gender, thematic and geographical balance among others.

Check your Eligibility

  • Should be a Ugandan national (female or male) between the age of 18 – 30 years as of December 1st, 2025.
  • If not a Ugandan national, please refer to no.9.
  • Should have a demonstrated interest in the sustainable development of the country and the sustainable development goals
  • Should be active in the Youth Space e.g. as an activist, community worker etc.
  • Should have an active social media presence.


1. Complete the application form by clicking here APPLY

2. To keep updated, follow; Twitter – @EUinUG, @FarajaAfricaFdn @EU_YSBUg | Like Page on Facebook – Faraja Africa Foundation | Follow on Instagram @FarajaAfricaFdn –  and on LinkedIn @FarajaAfricaFoundation

Deadline: January 20th 2025, at 11:59 pm EAT.

For more information and inquiries, email

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Youth Sounding Board Uganda

Call for Applications for the Youth Sounding Board in Uganda – YSBU 2023

The European Union (EU) considers engagement with youth and youth participation and inclusion essential for its external action and international partnerships agenda.  The aim is to ensure that the voices of young people are heard and taken into account, including when shaping and implementing EU programmes and policies in partner countries like Uganda.  To advance this agenda, Faraja Africa Foundation, with support from the EU Delegation to Uganda, aims at setting up the Youth Sounding Board Uganda (YSBU) with a membership of twenty Ugandan youth.  Perspectives and needs of young people will be considered during the EU and Member States’ decisions making processes; in their policies, programs, and services that affect them within the programming of the European Union and member states.

Furthermore, the YSBU seeks opportunities for youth networks, organizations, opinion leaders, and more to express their views and connect the EU Delegation and EU Member States in Uganda.  Ugandan youth between 18-30 years are eligible by this call for applications to the YSBU, after which a selection will be made that ensures gender, thematic and geographical balance, among others.

Therefore, Faraja Africa Foundation, with support from the European Union, is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for our Youth Sounding Board in Uganda.  We are looking for young people between the ages of 18-30 who are passionate about making a positive impact in their communities and eager to have their voices heard on important and topical issues across the sector.  The Youth Sounding Board members will be selected based on their commitment to community service and willingness to work collaboratively with others.

To APPLY, please take note of the following;

  1. Should be a Ugandan (female or male) between 18 – 30 years of age.
  2. Should have a demonstrated interest in the sustainable development of the country and the sustainable development goals
  3.  Should be part of an organization (optional)
  4.  Should have an active social media presence.
  5.  Should distinguish between what is a must from what is an advantage.
  6. Follow Faraja Africa Foundation; Twitter – @EUinUG, @FarajaAfricaFdn | Like Page on Facebook – Faraja Africa Foundation | Follow on Instagram – @farajaafricafdn and on LinkedIn-Faraja Africa Foundation
  • Submit a completed online application form (CLICK TO APPLY)
  • Submit your resume or CV

The deadline for applications is 18th April 2023 at 11 pm.  We will be in touch with selected applicants to schedule an interview.  If you have any questions about the application process or the Youth Sounding Board in general, please don’t hesitate to contact us at +256 (0) 39-488-4176.

We look forward to hearing from you and working together to impact our communities positively!