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Tag: money


Faraja Opens a Digital Youth Broadcasting Television for East Africa for Young People


We are proud to announce the opening of a youth digital broadcasting television; Access to information is increasingly becoming expensive for young people and so is media visibility in amplifying their voices. Keeping the young people more marginalised yet they have a lot to not only share but engage in but with fewer opportunities for expression. As traditional media houses continue to disregard young people’s creativity and relevance, the latter have turned to non-traditional media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter to share their ideas and thoughts. Which has also given room for the mushrooming of FAKE NEWS.

Hence increasing the need for developing youth-centred and media-driven solutions in this digital age where timely communication is key. With a focus on creating a youth-centred space, Faraja has created a digital television and platform to amplify African young people’s voices and creativity. Faraja Television (also known as FarajaDTv / FDTv) is opened therefore for all young people in Eastern Africa and the rest of Africa.

Faraja Television’s programming module is to reach out to her audiences through the already existent digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, satellite cable, website and other platforms. In so doing, creating a platform that can get young people’s voices amplified to the right audiences, in a timely and digital savvy medium; for civic awareness/engagement, promotion of the social entrepreneurial culture, African heritage among other youth developmental initiatives. It is a youth channel targeting not only a young audience but also that of key decision-makers (inter/governmental actors, civil society, private sector, etc.) and development practitioners. This will help aid in bridging the gap and developing youth-centred policies, programs and well facilitate the development process of young people.

Therefore, FarajaDTv seeks to create a platform for youth to inform, inspire, and empower each other through relevant, trustworthy, and regional-class quality television programs and services. Television is an open platform for all young people regardless in East Africa and not limited.

For more information, Follow us on Twitter @FarajaDTv for up-to-date news and for live shows please visit \


BLOG: Why Young People Should Adopt & Cultivate A Saving Culture

Author: Ms.Sharon Nantanda, Program Officer SELF_Faraja Africa Foundation

Over 400,000 young people are released into the job market every year in Uganda according to the World Bank; the majority of whom live under the poverty line. This number is expected to increase by 1,000,000 youth in the next year but that hasn’t equated to the jobs available. This is the same plight most African countries are facing. Recently, we have seen most of the African states going into lockdown, with no businesses operating thus limiting young people and their family adequate access to basic needs. Mostly, we discovered how poor our saving culture has been.

Usually, it’s not the first thing on young people’s minds. We depend highly on a gig-economy hence as young people we practice hand-to-mouth. We enjoy ourselves with the little we earn and have absolutely no financial responsibilities. We have not been taught to seriously take the art and importance of saving at an early stage. Which explains the difficulty we are facing in this COVID19 lockdown driven financial crisis. It’s said, “…wealth collected in small quantities accumulate…” and also, its key to note that if you can’t save in the days of 1000 shillings, you will never save in the days of 1,000,000 shillings. Hence, its key to note that savings are important drivers of economic growth of one’s self.

As young people, we should make it point to build our saving culture by starting with the little we have. Because it’s from these savings that we are able to build capital for future investments if we intend to create a business. This intern will help us get the income and attain personal financial goals. There are three relationships we should cultivate when it comes to money and that is;

  • How to make the money
  • How to keep/save the money
  • How to grow/invest the money

A successful livelihood and financial freedom depend on how you handle that above three. Having a good saving culture as a young entrepreneur is essential to helping you grow your money, invest in bigger deals and more. It also increases your capacity to make more money. Once you make it a habit you will not overspend on unnecessary things that do not need hence, helping you optimize your resources.

Savings means that as a young person you have a fallback plan, insurance (assurance of sustainability). That’s because just as wisdom is a defence, so is money. Building your financial literacy knowledge is key and reducing access to bank accounts will ease your journey in saving. This is the fastest way to fight poverty, unemployment and grow more youth businesses owners who also promote the country’s economic growth (social entrepreneurs).

Therefore, as young people it’s imperative we embrace saving as a lifestyle. For if we are to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goal in fighting poverty, we all have a role to play.  No matter how hard or difficult it may be, building a wall of savings will always help create a smooth and secure future. As Faraja Africa Foundation, we are committed to ensuring we facilitate the process of social engagement and economic empowerment of young people, but this begins with you, so save today. Remember, time is money, using it well is a form of saving and investment.

By Sharon Nantanda, Program Officer

The Social Entrepreneurs and Leaders Fellowship (SELF)

Faraja Africa Foundation