Project overall goal
To create an inclusive and meaningful youth voice in Uganda’s legislative and development agenda processes.
Target groups
The project targets over 500 young people, including youth leaders of the national youth councils, student guild councils, district youth councils, and primary local councils across the four regions in Uganda, private sector, civil society and more.
Project description
The Youth Parliament is an invented advocacy space that engages young people with the Parliament of Uganda in key decision-making processes at a legislative level. It brings together a representative number of youth leaders across regions and sectors on the floor of parliament. Issues raised by the young people are later discussed by parliament for deliberations. It’s common knowledge that Uganda’s political system is marked by social injustice. For this reason, Faraja, in partnership with the Parliament of Uganda, seeks to address the problem of shrinking civic spaces and the unaccommodating political landscape in Uganda that limits youth community and civic engagement. Youth are interested in advancing social justice and ethnic equality issues to create more significant equity and youth inclusion right from their local communities at the grassroots level up to the national level but are looked at as threats and unqualified by those in charge. Yet these youth have the competency to contribute to the policymaking process in an action-oriented approach to ensure that community and youth needs are addressed. The National Youth Parliament seeks to complement the government’s effort in achieving the national development plan three (NDP3). Faraja is partnering with the Parliament of Uganda to ensure community involvement in policy formulation in the budgeting framework and other legislative processes will lead to the bottom-up effective implementation processes that lead to achieving the NDP3. We believe we can contribute to making all this possible through our inclusive youth parliamentary and digital engagements approach.