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University Youth Leaders from All-Over Uganda Have an Exposure Visit to the British High Commission in Uganda


On the 29th June 2018, a team of 18 Faraja fellows had an exposure visit to the British High Commission.  They constituted youth leaders from Uganda Christian University, Lira University, Islamic University In Uganda, Mbarara University of Science and Technology and Kampala International University covering Central, Eastern, Northern and Western Uganda. Fellows were warmly welcomed by the United Kingdom in Uganda, giving them an opportunity to interact with top leaders at the British High Commission, Department for International Development (DFID) and the British Council Uganda.

In their interaction, Her Excellency Sarah Mann the Deputy British High Commissioner informed fellows more about the role the British High Commission in Uganda in areas of governance, youth empowerment, health, refugee settlement, trade, and education. The same was followed by a meeting with India Perry from DFID who shade more light on the thematic aid investment areas for the UK government in the development of Uganda. Most importantly, the Deputy High Commissioner committed to also amplify the voices of the SELF-youth leaders to the President of Uganda to increase support for social entrepreneurs and involvement of young people in development processes; while they carry out their role of interpreting culture and facilitating communication between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Uganda. SELF-fellows now have a chance to be part of the Creative Arts British Council program headed by Millicent Mugabi that will equip them with skills in their respective arts.


The Faraja Fellows are part of the 100 participants of this year’s Social Entrepreneurs and Leaders Fellowship (SELF) program that runs under Faraja Africa Foundation; a youth organization with a mission of preparing emerging leaders to initiate, develop and sustain youth community and economic initiatives. Through our social entrepreneurship model, we self-fund SELF to empower young people through our built social entrepreneurship curriculum. Fellow’s skills are developed on how to start, maintain and expand businesses that solve social problems. At the same time, young people are provided with skills to meaningfully participate in the political discourse of the country working with the organization respective such as the West Minister Foundation for Democracy, Action Aid and the British Council on strengthening the program’s efficiency. SELF-addresses SDG(s) 8 and syndicates into Goal 1, 4 and 17.

By the end of the visit, fellows noted that they were more informed on the development contribution the United Kingdom was playing in Uganda directly and through its departments. They also noted that their exposure sharpened their critical thinking skills, increased confidence and equipped them with information that can support the development of their community initiatives. A special thanks go to Fiona Inch through the British Council who has continued to offer technical support to Faraja and in organizing this exchange/exposure visit to the BHC. Furthermore, more special thanks to HE Sarah Mann and India Perri alongside the BC staff for giving us their time, information and counsel. It was educative and socially engaging.



About the #MPCONNECT Community Project Launched by Faraja Africa Foundation

On cialis pas cher the 10th November 2017, Faraja Africa Foundation launched its pilot project MP CONNECT with our 1st Project beneficiary, the Alebtong Woman Member of Parliament Hon. Christine Achen. During the 2 day event, we pioneered the start of a 35 youth participant social entrepreneurship academy and held a successful locally based 40 community women situation room dialogue on social justice issues which will later evolve into policies.

Policies have profound effects that last for generations. Well-developed, crafted and implemented policies can provide a clear pathway on how to lift people out of poverty.  Hence through the MP Connect project, seeks to build bridges and transfer knowledge across sectors through constructive dialogue using both traditional and modern public engagement tools. Our approach helps catalyze good governance through effective communication, public service leadership and business development. In the long run we envision a parliament that facilitates the processes of her community social engagement and economic empowerment” We believe that addressing Uganda’s complex problems requires empowered, educated and engaged leaders from all sectors.

The project will help strengthen Effective Community Communication & Engagement at grassroots, national, international and online level hence increase social engagement promoting accountability and civic engagement to restore balance and respect in our systems of governance. The project will also help educate MPs and their teams in Digital Skillings and Modern Social Entrepreneurial Skills that will help them increase effective community interventions that will help create economic empowerment. Lastly, through the project, Faraja Africa Foundation will help MPs Strengthen Partnerships in their constituencies for Collective Impact between. This will especially be between parliamentarians and other stakeholders at national, regional and international levels to strategically address issues of public service and governance, human capital and economy and competitiveness. Ultimately connecting Members if Parliament to the people.



Apply: for the International Youth Camp 2017, in Malindi Kenya #IYC2017-CLOSED!!

At Faraja Africa Foundation we believe in integration for collective effort. Young people from different societies coming together to share experiences, learn and plan a course of social change action together; We blend fan with development making it an exciting experience. Through the camp you; “Come to Witness History and Heritage Come Alive for Our Enrichment” Our Camp this year is under the theme: “Creating An Economically Empowered And Socially Engaged Youth Led East African Community” Aimed at addressing the issue of unemployment and voiceless-ness in the development of our communities. The camp is set to take place on the 28th December 2017-2nd January 2018 at the Sea Route to India, Malindi, Kenya. Unlike other camps, this year’s camp is full of exciting Activities such as Training (focus on Empowering youth with Business, Social Engagement and Digital Skills: So as to achieve the theme agenda), Dialogue Sessions(use of digital tools for youth voice) and the fan packed experience of Nature Walks, Visit to heritage sights full of East African history and culture formulation such as; viagra pas cher Vasco-da-Gama, Visit to Sea Route to India, Visit to Fort Jesus and so on. Of course extra activities will include Swimming and other Sports. For those who will be travelling in the Faraja Africa Foundation van from Uganda, you will get to experience a cross region road trip experience.

The camp is targeting 35 young women and men between ages 18- 35 years who are passionate about social entrepreneurship, leadership, civic engagement, digital skilling, heritage and culture. Hence should be committed to being part of other participants in accordance to our program.

All participants will be expected to contribute a participation fee of $362. Participants who will be at our head offices (Kampala) on the 27th December will have free transport. Accommodation and Feeding are catered for participants and invited guests from the Commonwealth Youth Council and others.

In additions, all participants must apply through our email; by sending a short bio about themselves reflecting the work they do, passport or ID details and confirm if they have a yellow vaccination card or not. For non-East Africans ensure you have your visa covered were applicable. Ensure you also inform us of your health challenges if any including your dietary needs.

Confirm your participation with Payment by Bank after application or Our Office not later than 8th December 2017.

For more information please Contact us through these channels, Tel: +25639-4884-176, +25670-4443-141, Website:  and on our Social Media: @FarajaAfricaFdn.


Youth Engagement in Policy Development is Key for Creating Employment

Uganda has a high burden of youth unemployment at a record of 64%—the greatest of all times. A 2016 acheter du cialis en ligne Youth Survey conducted by the Aga Khan University revealed that about 48% of youth aspire to own businesses. Youth’s desire to engage in entrepreneurship provides a clear path towards achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Uganda’s National Development Plan of ending poverty and improving the quality of life for Ugandans. The World Bank’s “voices of the poor” reported that over 60,000 poor people rose above poverty through personal businesses or gainful employment. In Uganda, small businesses are prone to early deaths due to limited access to financial capital, poor working capital management, poor financial literacy, unstable markets and unfavourable taxation borrowing and lending policies. We argue that youths’ financial inclusion is a powerful economic tool. With inclusion, youth access to finances easily translates into asset holding, and asset accumulation, which is linked to stronger economic growth. Financial inclusion is a powerful tool towards supporting young entrepreneurs, families, and societies. Closing the credit gap for small businesses is a good first step towards increasing economic growth and per capita incomes. For us to realise a difference in the current situation, Faraja Africa Foundation believes that young people need to engage in policy development processes so as to engineer laws that create an enabling environment for employment and wealth creation. This, however, can only be realised through a collective effort from the students and youth leadership, communities, civil societies and governmental institutions themselves.  Let’s get engaged in the creation of our own future.

Watch the video above and share the post with your friends to spread the word. Follow our social media platforms form the icons on our website above.

-FAF Staff