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COVID19 East African Youth Response Digital Video Campaign

Faraja Africa Foundation in partnership with Restless Development, YOULead and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy; are hoping to capture short1-2 minute videos of young people like yourself sharing how COVID-19 has affected you (young people in East Africa). Please respond to the following question:


“What has been the biggest impact of COVID-19 on your life, and how have you been coping with it?” 

Send Videos via WhatsApp on: +256772472724

Guidance On Content of the Video

Keep the video personal; it makes for a more powerful message. As long as you feel comfortable doing so, speak specifically about your life – not that of young people generally and all in English. Here’re some tips on filming:

  • Record yourself with your phone in landscape mode or using your computer camera, and position yourself in the middle of the frame and talk directly into the camera. (It would be nice if you can have the camera pointing up at you – because it makes people perceive you with more authority.)

  • Be sure to leave enough headroom (i.e. a little bit of blank space above your head in the frame), and prop your phone up/position your laptop camera to frame you well and ensure the camera is stable. If filming with your phone, make sure your camera on your phone is on the top corner not the bottom (manually check this on your camera).

  • Record yourself in a quiet location like at your desk
  • Count to three seconds before you speak – and when you are done saying what you way to say, hold your gaze into the lens and count to three in your head before you press end the recording.
  • Once you’ve recorded the first take, watch it back with headphones and check it looks and sounds good. If not – re, record it. (Remember it can’t be longer than 2 minutes 20 seconds or you can post it on twitter.)

NOTE: Will be using these videos in a couple different ways: on a COVID-specific page hosted on our and partners website or other platforms; on our socials as part of a social media campaign; in key quotations included in our report; and potentially, in policy discussions that we organise to talk about the findings from both this and our survey.

Send Videos via WhatsApp on: +256772472724

 Consent and Copyright

All participants who will submit material to the us will be consenting and acknowledging that the we and out partners (mentioned above) may use their pictures, videos and other content produced during this campaign for purposes above and work.


Call for Participants for the World Heritage Day 5th May 2020 Online Conference


Together with the Africa World Heritage Fund and partners above, we wish to commemorate the Africa World Heritage Day (AWHD) is an opportunity for people around the world to celebrate one of Africa’s most precious resources: its irreplaceable cultural and natural heritage. The annual celebration of the AWHD on 5th May was proclaimed by the 38th session of the General Conference of UNESCO in November 2015. It aims to increase global awareness about African heritage and to mobilise enhanced cooperation for its safeguarding. Faced with contemporary threats such as widespread poverty, climate change, uncontrolled development, political instability and now COVID19, many of these wonders are in danger. It is, therefore, more urgent than ever that this heritage is protected and preserved for the enjoyment of future generations.

Therefore, to mark the fifth (5th) edition of this international day, our African States Parties are encouraged during this difficult period of COVID-19 pandemic, to find innovative ways to champion African World Heritage protection and promotion by digitally hosting a wide range of activities related to diverse aspects of World Heritage, with the active participation of local communities and the youth. Under the theme Youth, Entrepreneurship and Heritage Sustainability in Africa.

African World Heritage Day Celebrations – 5th May 2020

The main AWHD celebrations will comprise a social media campaign, #TogetherApart4AfricanHeritage or #OurAfricanHeritage, from 25th of April to the 25th of May, and a webinar (online seminar) on the 5th of May.

The Social media campaign will harnessing the power of audio, photos, videos and creative professional writing we intend to use online available resources such as social media to gather and share the voices of young people, local communities, professional and influencers on the significance of AWHD and their innovative ways of promoting African heritage during difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic. The social media campaign will be championed by Faraja Africa Foundation. Participants will answer thematic question in their messages such as

  1. What does AWHD (5th of May) mean to you and your community?
  2. How has the AWHD been celebrated by the youth in your community in the past years?
  3. How has the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic impacted your community’s way of life and livelihoods?
  4. How has COVID-19 pandemic affected heritage-related business or organization in and around World Heritage in your community?
  5. What innovative approaches can be adopted by various stakeholders (youth, site managers, policymakers, local communities) in response to the effects of COVID-19 pandemic to safeguard and promote African World Heritage?
  6. How can the general public be involved in celebrating AWHD while staying at home to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus?

On the 5th of May, the Chairperson of the Chairperson of the African World Heritage Fund, will host an online seminar/debate. This 1h and 30min event will gather 200 participants from Africa and in the diaspora, mostly youth, and the discussion will be led by a diverse panel comprising policymakers, young entrepreneurs, local community leaders, and representatives from key AWHF partners such as UNESCO and ICCROM. The webinar will consist of interactive oral presentations from youth participants and experts from different fields (e.g. business, leadership, heritage, etc.) combined with discussions from the participants.

The Campaign Will go in Four Phases;

  1. Knowledge mobilization: Ongoing
  2. Content formulation: 25th- Ongoing
  3. Social Media Campaign 27th – 4th May 2020
  4. Online Conference (Webinar) 5th May 2020


Guidelines for Capturing Photos and Filming Videos

Device to use: Use a professional video camera or a mobile phone with a high-resolution camera.

Format: High Definition (HD), ensure you set the phone to 1920×1080 or less depending on phone power.

Orientation: Landscape not Portrait (phone must be turned to the side horizontally and not vertical)

Background Setting: Film in a quiet place for good sound provision and speak clearly. Avoid contrast. If the background is sunny, you should be in the sunshine; if the background is in the shade, you should be in the shade too.

Filming: If needed, find someone to hold the phone/camera steady or use a camera stand, to avoid a shaky video. Stand close to the phone/camera.

Length: You can take multiple videos and create a single montage that illustrates your point effectively: the footage should depict with your image clearly shown up-close and not from a distance, this will ensure your voice is heard and are in focus and should not exceed 59 seconds.

Language Structure of Testimony: 85-90% in French or English and 10-15% in other language (Arabic, Portuguese or any African language). For example, start your testimony in English or in French and conclude briefly in any other preferred African language.

 Consent and Copyright

All participants who will submit material to the G-Suite platform will be given a written consent form acknowledging that the African World Heritage Fund and the implementing partners (mentioned above) may use their pictures, videos and other content produced during this campaign for non-commercial purposes.



Tips on How to Adopt to Working at Home & Digitalization #Covid19 #StaySafeStayHome

The COVID-19 Pandemic has globally affected our cultures, ways of social interactions, habits, but most importantly our economies. Many companies and organizations find themselves struggling to cope with the uncertainty in measures set to control the spread of the Corona Virus. As a result, most businesses are down, organizations are non-operational and even some individual self-employed entrepreneurs to seem to be affected. As Faraja Africa Foundation, we would like to say, you don’t need to shut down! We would like to share a few tips on what you could consider in reworking your digital strategy to fit the working home environment for a self-employed person, companies and organizations i.e. employers, employees and the Gig-economy freelancers;

  1. Self-Discipline: The key first thing to accept is that you are going to face resistance from yourself, hence need for a mindset shift and adaptability to working from home if you are new to this. Set objectives and goals (in the form of tasks to finish) and ensure you have indicators in the form of result you need to accomplish. To comfort, you can also dress the part, cleanup go if need be as you prepare to work.
  2. Time Management; The power of prioritization is a treasure in living an accomplished life. Map out what you are meant to accomplish inform of the to-do list and follow it to the dot, but if you skipped a deadline, go easy on yourself and make time to do. Remember to reward yourself after you have accomplished your to-do list with breaks.
  3. Designating a Working Area; Work from your area of productivity comfort with fewer distractions. To some of us, this may mean a physical place, others it may be virtual etc. what matters is you limiting destructions as much as possible, from your mind, social media, environment, etc. Imagine the designated place as your office and only go there when you are going to fulfil your day’s work. Learn to build focus and concentration minimizing movements until your set break times.
  4. Communicate with The People You Are Staying with Home: Inform your family members or housemates about your work schedule, designated place and need for their support in you attaining the respective set targets. If possible, ask for help to help simplify what you’re doing that’s if it’s in their capacity.
  5. Set Reminders on Tasks and Appointments: Committing things on paper or writing. Don’t allow your mind to rest hence allowing it focus on other things. It could be meetings, deadlines, tasks to do etc. We will share on some of the resources you could use to achieve this. This needs to be done daily after setting out a monthly target with weekly objectives broken down to daily to-do lists.
  6. Constant Communication with Workmates; Build a social support network with fellow workmates, effective communication through calls, online meetings, emails, video chats and Office WhatsApp group chats. They become accountability partners as you would be to them collectively supporting each other’s work will reduce the burden of having to struggle alone hence giving moral support.
  7. Improvise and Use of Available Recourses both Offline/Online;
  • Notebooks: Keeping this will best be used for scheduling, capturing your ideas, keeping a record of notes as reminders, plans, minutes etc. You can later choose to transfer your content.
  • Phones: This can be used as your communication and coordination tool. If it’s a smartphone, then it can also be an extension of your virtual office especially with apps like; email, social media, MS word-excel, calendar for scheduling and reminders, zoom and skype for digital meetings, browser if you don’t have one, etc.
  • Computers: If you have one, great! They can help simplify your work, knowing most of our work is about writing and creating content, computers usually have a larger surface to do your work from faster. However, observe best practices such as; charging, saving work done, don’t reduce it to being a tool of entertainment. Train your mind to respect it as a virtual office and tool to accomplish the work you seek to do. Movies, games and music, if necessary, avoid doing them on the computer.  Ensure you have updated windows or operating systems, turn off auto-updates to save data usage.
  • Make Use of Online Platforms; If you have a smartphone or computer ensure to have accounts such as Skype, have your email app installed both on Gmail, Outlook and more, Zoom, MS etc.
  • Coordination Tools: If you are working with a team, make use of G-Suite, comes with emails, google drive for backing up your work, calendar, spreadsheets, and more. One can also use Microsoft Office 360 for Non-profits if you are an organization, it costs less than $3-4 a month and you can have your organization purchase it to be shared with a larger group of people. That way you can coordinate through teams, work on a document in real-time for both of you and more.
  • Use Cheaper Internet Bundles; The cost of internet has not gone down. However, most telecom services have created special work bundles that we can use. However, it’s key you learn how to sustain your data usage by keeping away from non-work-related or irrelevant things. internet is nebulous, hence it can be used for good, so can it be used for bad leading to addictions on social media, pornography and much more, so watch out.
  • Heavy Content Sharing: If you are sending information, you may use WeTransfer and many more others. However, if you a working as an office team and what to share folders, then we encourage the use still of Google Drive, One Drive, and these can be accessed by the GSuite, iCloud or Microsoft 360. Both have a free and paid-for version, whatever works in your means, use it.
  1. Digital Transactions; In as much, we have a lockdown, use of such platforms can help ease work. Things like Mobile Money, e-banking from banks and internet banking may be the new normal. If you have not subscribed for these services at your bank, you may need to do so fast. That way you can transact at the comfort of your home allowing your business to be operational.
  2. Exercise and Entertainment; Before or After a long day of work take some time off to engage in physical activities or exercises to refresh your mind. Entertainment too is good just as building yourself spiritually and reading outside your daily work routine and does not cover beyond 30% of your productive time.

In conclusion, these are just tips, feel free to do more if you feel you can. Always remember to keep following the guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of your country. We, however, are committed to supporting you in any way we can.

Share this blog to your networks. Stay Safe, Stay Home!

By Emmanuel Wabwire


Statement on COVID-19 by the Representative Youth Organisations in Uganda #COVID19

Released on 2nd April 2020 

Even during these tough times of the global covid-19 pandemic, the youth have remained dynamic, productive, innovative and ever present. From the boda-bodas making deliveries of basic food items to young women vending in the markets, the power of youth has prevailed. 

Defending youth democratic rights and our fundamental freedoms can be challenging, let alone having to do it while under “lockdown” practicing social distancing in the midst of a global health crisis spreading rapidly across the world. In times like these, solidarity and social compassion play the most important role. 

Youth of Uganda together with other youth civil society organisations and informal youth movements want to respond to the fast moving emergency and arising needs across various locations affecting young people but also from the ongoing presidential directives and calling for the following: 

To the General Public 

● Stay home and keep the health measures as advised by the Government of Uganda and ministry of health 

● Avoid stigmatisation of people that have been tested positive for COVID-19. 

● Fight fake news online and promote accurate information or facts from experts and trusted sources. 

To the Government: 

This pandemic has been a demonstration that governments can act, and people can change their behaviour, in a very short amount of time. We appreciate the government efforts in fighting the pandemic and we request the government to further: 

● Review its prevention measures and how they affect the youth who live hand to mouth and make up more than 55% of the population well as the 65% Ugandan households in the informal sector. 

● Put into the Ugandan Context the presidential directives that are being made, how feasible they are to a Ugandan youth so that we avoid having death due to hunger and even increase in crime. A concrete policy direction from government on humanitarian assistance and economic recovery during and post COVID 19 is needed 

● Regulate powers of the officers including LDUs, Police and UPDF that is enforcing these laws so that they do not affect abuse the human rights of local citizens especially the young people. 

● Emphasis on Price levels for all the food being sold, and if possible in the next presidential address announce minimum prices for basics like salt, soap, posho and beans to avoid skyrocketing prices. 

● National water and Sewage Corporation and UMEME to provide water and electricity to all citizens and not charge clients during the months of the lockdown. 

● Government should revise taxes in wake of the COVID 19 pandemic and grant tax holidays to Small scale industries and tax incentives to banks and credit facilities so that they reduce interest rates. 

● Review the OTT tax so as to enable more young people to use social media to access information and work with telecom houses on reduce on rates for data. 

The current pandemic is unfolding upon unjust structures that have plagued us as a country for decades. There is a need to reinvest in the social infrastructure of the country in areas like public healthcare and social safety nets so that no one is left behind. 

Human Rights Based Approach To Fight The Pandemic: 

While we recognize the severity of the current health crisis and acknowledge that the use of emergency powers is allowed by the Uganda laws in response to the pandemic, we urgently request the government that any emergency responses to the coronavirus must be proportionate, necessary and non-discriminatory. 

Covid-19 outbreak should not be used as a basis to target particular groups or individuals. It should not function as a cover for repressive action under the guise of protecting health. STATEMENT ON COVID-19 ON THE YOUTH IN UGANDA 

We request the government of Uganda to remain steadfast in maintaining a human rights-based approach to regulating this pandemic, in order to facilitate the emergence of healthy societies with rule of law and human rights protections. 

To The Development Partners We Ask: 

● That you exercise flexibility and understanding as the COVID-19 outbreak will necessitate reprioritisation and adjustments in programming and outreach activities by organisations. At this moment, we need funders and supporters to work together to ensure that the youth sector stays strong and resilient as we deal with current and future crises and uncertainties, including in the social, political and economic sphere. 

To Civil Society Organisations: 

Let’s be mindful of the need to support each other with messages of hope, resilience and solidarity in dealing with the potential negative outcomes for social cohesion, trust and civic struggles. Now more than ever we need to put in place measures that reduce the impact of the pandemic on groups rendered especially vulnerable by inequality, discrimination, disability and the absence of social security measures. 

To all the Young People in Uganda: 

What if we now carried this awareness beyond the present emergency? This is an urgent question because there is a great global economic depression looming beyond our country Uganda. Potentially, it can lead to more wars, increased authoritarianism and yet greater economic injustice. Or it can empower us to demand a much-needed transformation of a system in crisis. 

The current crisis is not as catastrophic as a world war. But its effects will be far-reaching, and the risk of an economic and geopolitical and economic collapse is real. 

We can, however, emerge at the end of this tunnel with the first vestiges of a new world. It is imperative that we remain vigilant and act together, drawing effectively on our reserves of innovation and resilience. The opportunity is there for us to seize, and we must start work on it now. At the very least, we now know we have the power to do so. 

Signed by: 

1. Youth4Uganda 

2. Open Space Centre 

3. Youth Line Forum 

4. Centre For Policy Analysis (CEPA) 

5. Faraja Africa Foundation 

6. Marafiki Milele 

7. Innovations for Democratic Engagement and Action (IDEA) 

8. The Alternative Movement 

9. East Africa Youth Network, Uganda Chapter 

10. West Nile Youth Network 

11. Uganda Youth Senate 

12. Uganda Debate Arena 

13. Youth Advocacy Network (YADNET) 

14. Agency for Development of Young Farmers in Uganda (ADYOFU) 

15. YouLead Alumni Network, Uganda Chapter 

16. Youth Forum for Social Justice 

17. Visionary Lady Foundation 

18. Recreation for Development and Peace (RDP) Uganda 

19. Africa Youth Federation 

20. The Uganda Young Democrats 

21. Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Youth Affairs 

22. Global Platform Uganda. 


“Quality Public Education the Great Equalizer” International Day of Education

“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” ~Oprah Winfrey. Today we join the world in Celebrating the International Day of Education in light of last year’s International Youth Day theme: Transforming Education. As our organization, we believe in using creative advocacy to push for policy reformations and that’s through our YEPA Program; the National Youth Parliaments and the East African Youth Parliament. At the same time, know that everybody has a role to play in achieving quality education. As a follow-up from last year’s Youth Parliament resolutions, on 27th December 2019, we under the support from Action Aid Uganda organized a regional dialogue in Eastern Uganda, Mbale under the theme: “Quality Public Education the Great Equalizer” hence Igniting National Debate on Addressing Inequalities in Uganda’s Education System hence Transforming Education as informed by Chapter XVIII of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (Educational objectives (I), (ii), and (iii).


As we speak, today the teacher-student ratio is 1-70 (and above) leaving no room for special attention to the learners. To make matters worse, there is less attention given to students with special needs. Due to less funding, schools can equally not afford to feed their students yet a child has to study for over 8 hours a day on an empty stomach, how effective would that study be? Increasingly, budgetary allocation goes to cover other sectors rendering education as a non-priority area. Did we also mention the poorly paid teachers? Who resorts to giving more time to more income-generating items that the teaching they are meant to do? This has been a back and forth debate leaving the underpaid with less and the already overly paid civil servants getting salary increments. Updating of the National Curriculum from bottom to top institutions of higher learning. One would say the current curriculum isn’t too relevant to the current social, economic and political needs of our society. It is too theoretical than practical hence knowledge gathered cannot be transformed into action for sustainable development.  We also advocate for the inclusion of mandatory extracurricular activities to help boost youth social fitting hence determining their mental and sexual health. There is a lot more to speak-out on and advocate for transformative change.


Therefore, basing on this background, it’s important to inform you, it’s not been all bad since 1997 when the Ugandan government introduced Universal Primary Education (UPE), it was widely heralded as a huge success in boosting enrolment figures and ensuring access to basic education for children in Uganda. However, the liberalization of the education sector in 1993 has since threatened the much-desired success of the UPE Program. Mindful of the basic civic right of all Ugandan citizen to participate in the affairs of government whether individually or through citizen’s organizations’; and aware of our desire to participate in peaceful activities to influence the policies of government through our organization as a way of contributing towards the well-being of the community where we live. Hence, we concluding by calling upon all stakeholders to join the struggle in advocating for a transformation of the education sector so as to achieve quality education.


Happy International Day of Education.



East African Youth Parliament Second Sitting 14-15 Nov 2019, Arusha, Tanzania

        Voting of the East African Youth Parliament Speakers

Faraja Africa Foundation with partners; EALA, European Union, Action Aid, YouLead, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, International Republican Institute-Uganda, EACSOF, Wajibika and Voice of Youth Tanzania organised and mobilised one hundred and twenty young people from the six East African Community member states at the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) in Arusha, Tanzania for the second East African Youth Parliament sitting also known as the “Vijana Assembly.” The East African Youth Parliament is an invented creative advocacy space institutionalised by EALA where young people get to directly interface and push policy recommendations on topical issues that affect them.

The journey to the Vijana Assembly started last year with the first Assembly sitting as this relevantly done this year with the National Youth Parliament in Uganda and Burundi, and other East African states opting for national dialogues and other pre-YouLead Summit activities. These activities brought together different youth voices from all over East Africa, which were summed up to the national position papers. These papers were then presented at the YouLead Summit 2019 in Arusha for further scrutiny, and the most pressing and crosscutting of the issues therein were included in the order paper of the Vijana Assembly 2019.

Rwandan Youth Speaker

Youth Member moving a motion

This year’s Vijana Assembly was under the theme “Embracing holistic integration” with specific objectives of finding safe space for young people freely debate on critical issues leaving no one behind; youth participation in the integration, youth and governance challenges in the region, climate change and sustainable development, tax justice and entrepreneurship for young people, harmonization of education system in East Africa in line with Agenda 2063 African and East African integration. It is imperative to observe that the Vijana Assembly comprised of young people from the different civil societies, student leaders from different institutions of learning, youth in business, National Youth Councils, and those from different political parties across East Africa.

Deputy Clerk Officiating the opening of the Assembly

The Four elected Speakers with the Rt. Hon EALA Speaker at the Center

The Vijana Assembly was opened by the Clerk to the EALA on 14th November and run under the rules of the House. This included complying with the first order of business, that is, swearing in of all members, and thereafter election of Speakers to chair the different sittings. The four Speakers to the Vijana Assembly were elected from Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda and South Sudan; and comprised two ladies and two gentlemen. Uganda and Tanzania obtained the positions of the clerk to the Assembly, whilst handing over the speakership position to the newly elected. It’s important to note that the house overwhelmingly voted one of the speakers as a person with disability (PWD) Rt. Hon Ashuara Michael who is Deaf from Kenya. She chaired the last session with translation for the members. This move was deliberate by the young people, stating that disability does not stop us from collectively progressing hence leaving no one behind, all can lead.

The Speaker of EALA Rt. Martine Ngoga officiating the Closing of the Vijana Assembly

Youth Speakers led by Rt. Hon Ashura handing over the Youth Petition to the Speaker of EALA

The Speaker of the East Africa Parliament, Rt Hon Martin K. Ngoga was present on 15th and participated in the debate, once calling the participants to order over proceeding without introducing themselves on the floor as East Africans from Uganda, Kenya…etc. He congratulated the young people on leaving no one behind in his words saying, “…as young people you have made a statement not only to EALA but the entire world, that disability isn’t an excuse for leaving brilliant minds behind, this has been the most inclusive engagement in these EALA chambers…”

He later officially closed the 2019 Vijana Assembly, where he challenged the young people to fully embrace the integration of East Africa. He noted that he was hopeful that in the near future, a good number of the young people at the Vijana Assembly would be either member of the EALA or even Speaker. He committed that the EALA would ensure that the perspectives of the youth are reflected in the legislative, representative, oversight work, and further pledged to promote youth empowerment.

Official Group Photo of the East African Youth Parliament 2019

The four Speakers of the Vijana Assembly led by Rt Hon Ashura Michael then presented a Petition to the EALA Speaker, which contained the resolutions from the two day Second East African Youth Parliament sessions before the Assembly was adjourned sine die by the sitting Speaker, Rt. Hon. Ashura Michael from Kenya at 17:30 hours and the members were invited to a photo shoot with the Rt. Hon Speaker, Martin K. Ngoga.

As Faraja Africa Foundation, with partners, we are committed to building an engaging and sustainable programme to follow up on the petition to EALA and key recommendation actions made by the young people in the following order;

Members to prioritize the ratification and domestication of ACDEG. That Member states allow the use of different currencies across the East African Community member states. That member states prioritize the issue of security in South Sudan. That EALA passes a resolution to have National councils formed in Burundi, Tanzania and South Sudan. That member states expedite the formation of the East African Youth Council. That member states allow the use of different East African countries’ currencies across the region. That education engagements be carried out to harmonise the education system and implement a uniform tuition policy across East Africa. That member states priory the elimination of work permits for citizens of member states and that EALA makes it a law to have a youth representative from each country to the EALA. More information will be shared after our further deliberations with EALA on how these issues can be presented on only on the floor of EALA but also on the East African Community Council of Ministers meeting and above all, the Summit of Presidents.


#APPLY: WE ARE HIRING, Job Opportunity for an Accountant-CLOSED!!

The Finance and Administration Department at Faraja Africa Foundation is seeking to hire the advertised job. You will be required to send in your CV, Academic Qualification Documents & Certificates (Scanned as one document less than 8mb), the recommendation letter would be an additional value. Shortlisted candidates will be reached out to for a scheduled interview. Please ensure to clearly state your Gender and date of birth in your application. Its a full-time job and working hours 9am-4:30pm as per our HR policy.

Applications should be sent to

Read more below on the description;  

Job Title                                  : Accountant

Functional Reporting            : Executive Director

Job Role: Provide financial and administrative management support (book keeping, accounting) to Faraja, partners involved in planning and supervising all the operational functions of the Enterprises (Safaris, Digital) and Foundation, requires participation in the development of strategic plans and sales objectives set forth by the management. Ensure compliance to the finance and administrative procedures in line with Faraja Enterprise, the national laws, donors and other relevant Organisational policies.


Person Specifications Qualifications:

•                A Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce, Business Administration, Financial Management, Accounting Or the relevant from a recognized Institution.

•                Two years of working experience in NGO or relevant finance environment.

•                A relevant professional training and qualifications in donor regulations are added advantage. Experience:

•                At least three years of relevant work experience in accounting and finance preferably in an NGO

And in the Private Sector.

Skills, Abilities and Competencies:

•                Book Keeping, Accounting, Budgeting and budgetary control.

•                Finance management skills.

•                Communication skills.

•                Analytical skills.

•                Contract and Grants Management.

•                Leadership skills.

•                Computerized Accounting Skills.

•                Procurement, Logistics and stores management.

•                Ability to establish critical working relationships.

•                Ability to promote the Faraja enterprise.

•                Ability to conduct power analysis.

S/No Key Result Areas Duties and Responsibilities

Coordinate financial Planning and budgeting in line with FAF partners.


•       Align partner plans and budgets into FAF budget guidelines and make sure that the required Programme support ratios are achieved.

•       Explain and guide the stakeholders in the application of budget guidelines in their annual budgeting process.

•       Support the process of financial costing and forecasting for projects.



Manage the liquidity position and treasury function of Faraja such that financial obligations are met as they fall due in accordance with the Faraja Enterprise.

•       Prepare and submit timely cash flows to Accountant for review & consideration.

•       Monitor and make a record of the cash position of the Faraja to ensure that it has enough money at all times.

•       Record, reconcile and document all Faraja’s accounts.

•       Track and monitor funds availability in all bank accounts.

•       Review Projects cash request from Partners.



Examine payments requests and other Financial

transactions for approval and, ensure there is adequate supporting documentation in accordance with the Faraja financial policy.

•        Review all cheque/payments and respective journals.

•        Review all staff accountabilities and claims or refunds.

•        Verify and review logistics, invoices and other payment vouchers prior to submitting them for approval.

•        File and keep a proper record of all prepayments, accruals and related accounts.

•        Maintain an inventory, stores management system in line with contemporary stores management practices.


Prepare and submit periodic financial reports, and statutory requirement to the Finance Manager, Donors and as may be required from time to time.

•        Input payments, receipts and staff accountabilities in the accounting system, stamp and file vouchers and maintain complete and up-to-date books of accounts.

•        Prepare monthly variance reports for submission to the Cluster Coordinator for review before forwarding them to the Accountant and ED.

•        Remit to respective authorities withheld statutory deductions and generate tax report at the end of the month.

•        Enforce and report on expenditure controls by making reference to the budget to ensure that expenditures are within the approved budget for monitoring purposes in consultation with the Cluster Coordinator.



Provide and account for general administrative and logistical support to staff and relevant stakeholders in accordance with Organisational policies, procedures and best practice.

•     Manage and report on the use of the office telephone.

•     Track and report on the use of all Organisation assets.

•     Supervise the maintenance of general office security.

•     Update Fixed Assets Register in the system and ensuring appropriate accounting for fixed assets (including proper treatment of depreciation).

•     Verify all FAF assets are under insurance cover at all times and renewed whenever policies expire.

•     Carry out any stock-taking and fixed assets verification exercise.


Prepare and attend to the needs of internal and external auditors and implement recommendations in line with donors.

•       Prepare audit schedules as per checklist made available and any other pertinent supporting analysis.

•       Participate in pre- and post (exit) audit meetings.

•       Communicate and discuss in time and in desired format audit requirements to ensure that audit timetables and guidelines are adhered to.

•       Follow –up responses and clear audit issues both internal and external.


Assess financial management gaps and build the capacity of partners and staff in financial management in accordance with GAAP and ensure that good accounting system are established both at partner &

LRP level.

•     Review and report on partner transactions to ensure compliance with policy documents.

•     Represent and make presentations/document proceedings in events/ forums in line with instructions from the line manager.

•     Monitor and review of partner finance documents including Treasury control and accounts verification, bank reconciliation statements, payroll, monthly finance reports, inventory of fixed assets and physical confirmation of assets.

•     Support partners develop policy documents and reviews to guide transactions.

•     Support partners by putting in place good accounting systems to capture all transactions of the Organisation.

•     Support partners on audit process both internally and externally.




Engage in continuous professional development to ensure that knowledge, networks and expertise are kept updated.


Share skills and knowledge with programme and enterprise teams as a way of upskilling teams in aspects of basic accountability, resource and financial management, logistics and business administration of the operations in the enterprise.

Key relationships: (include internal and external)

Internal: Executive Director, Program and Administrative Officer, Accountant, Marketing and Communication Officer.

External: Volunteers, Project Beneficiaries Vendors, media, key partners and customer groups.

Other important features or requirements of the job:
Occasional weekend and evening work.


NOTE: Applications are now open until the 29th October 2019.


The Youth Moot Parliament August 9th 2019-Press Release

International Youth Day is observed annually on 12 August as adopted by the United Nations under resolution 54/120 in 1999. It is an opportunity for governments and civil society to draw attention to youth issues worldwide. During International Youth Day, concerts, workshops, cultural events, and meetings involving national and local government officials and Youth Organizations take place around the world to commemorate this important day.

This day is set aside for young people to take center-stage and express their ideas, thoughts, imaginations and innovations as well as bring to light their hopes and aspirations.

Undoubtedly, current global sophistications have made today a very promising and exciting time for young people be alive considering the numerous opportunities that abound for them to tap into, albeit the challenging circumstances and some negative cultural and mass practices that define the young people’s narrative and lived realities.

To commemorate International Youth Day 2019, we – the Youth led and Youth focused organizations including Youth Aid Africa, Faraja Africa Foundation, European Union, Action Aid Uganda, Plan International, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, Restless Development, National Youth Council, International Republican Institute, Global Platforms, Rose Namayanja Foundation and others, to organize activities to commemorate this day.

Aware that the theme for this year is “Transformation Education”, the aforementioned organizations are hosting the second Youth Moot Parliament, the first having been hosted last year.  Over 350 Young people from across the country will convene in the parliamentary chambers on the 9thof August 2019 to debate, and make resolutions on critical issues like; unemployment, quality of education, youth meaningful inclusion in governance, EAC regional integration/free trade & movement, among others to be mentioned. The young people will also take into account the national and international commitments Uganda has signed to like; the African Charter on Elections democracy and good governance, Agenda 2063, sustainable development goals, the African Youth policy among other taking into account the Agenda 2030 commitments to which Uganda is signatory and NDP II aspiration From the comprehensive study on the State of the youth, that will be launched on Friday 9thAugust, during the Youth moot sessions and consultations with various sectors of young people who include; youth in informal sector, students, youths leaders, youths in religious sector, youth in business, youth with disabilities, the young people request government and other stakeholders to fast truck the following issues;

We the young people call upon all stakeholders; Government, Development partners, Civil society, Cultural institutions, Parents, Religious leaders as follows;

  1. Review the Prof. Ssenteza Kajubi Report on Education and invest in improving the quality education at all levels and implement economic policies and programs that contribute to the creation of employment opportunities for all.
  2. Government should urgently ratify the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance that promotes effective and meaningful participation of young people in planning and budgeting at local government level

This Charter encourages youth participation, building of strong democratic institutions and is cardinal in ensuring that Uganda and Africa are stable, and prosperous.

  1. Government should urgently look into the issue of Electoral Reforms, with major focus on , nomination fees, the role of the army and police and impartiality of Elections observers
  2. Government through parliament to urgently amend the National Youth Council (NYC) Act to include effective representation of People with disabilities (PWDs). And appropriate funding to the said National Youth Council to improve their operations across the country.
  3. Parliament to urgently discuss and legislate on matters relating to sex offences against young people in institutions of higher learning, work places, homes and public places.
  4. Parliament and Government to urgently look into matters relating to Externalization of labor and the continued exploitation, mistreatment and unfavorable working conditions of young Ugandans abroad and accordingly legislate on the same. In addition, parliament needs to urgently look into issues of decent work and decent pay for young girls and women in domestic homes, hotel industry, and tourism among others. Government to urgently address the economic needs of young people to ensure economic inclusion. Part of the money that was appropriated to Uganda Development Bank for recapitalization should be earmarked as funds for young entrepreneurs with special youth – friendly access procedures for inclusion. Tax holidays should also be given to young entrepreneurs, the same as is given to foreign investors as a way of boosting local investment for better transformation.

We wish to celebrate all the young people doing amazing works around the world. We congratulate the young people of Uganda, Africa and the world upon making it to the International Youth Day celebrations of 2019.

Let’s transform Education for responsible citizenship.


The Faraja -World Heritage Volunteers Youth Camp (2019)

This year, Faraja Africa Foundation in partnership with the Uganda National Commission for UNESCO and Action Aid Uganda is organising the WHV Youth Camp from July 27th- August 5th, 2019. The Project aims to initiate community actions that preserve natural heritage with a focus on animal protection and afforestation as well as to raise awareness of the indigenous Batwa community in Buhoma, Kisoro district, and create synergies between Batwa’s culture and other communities in Uganda.

The World Heritage Volunteers Initiative and more particularly, the World Heritage Volunteers 2019 campaign – Empowering Commitment to the World Heritage, in the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage Education (WHE) Programme. This programme aims to increase awareness and reinforce youth’s involvement at a local and global level in the implementation of the 1972 Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. As you know, Article 27 of the Convention requests States Parties to endeavour, in particular by means of educational programmes, to strengthen appreciation and respect of cultural and natural heritage. The WHE Programme is also consistent with UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy for 2014–2021 which foresees specific targeted action to be implemented in favour of youth. 

The World Heritage Volunteers Initiative aims to: 

 Raise awareness among young people, volunteers, local communities and concerned authorities of the need to protect and promote World Heritage; 

 Involve young people in World Heritage preservation through concrete projects at sites; 

 Empower young people allowing them to learn skills in basic preservation and conservation techniques, and raise their capacity as future decision-makers and global active citizens; 

 Strengthen sustainable cooperation between non-profit organizations, site management, communities and authorities; 

 Identify best practices and develop non-formal educational tools to facilitate stakeholders’ participation in World Heritage education; 

 Mainstream gender equality in all stages of the projects and geographical diversity among the World Heritage properties where the action camps take place. 

As a volunteer, you will learn more about the site and its development through guided tours and interaction with local communities who will share insight and social entrepreneurship experiences. They will also participate in a training that focuses on various themes, such as social entrepreneurship and communication skills with a special look at social media. Volunteers will be involved in other hands-on activities on the site’s conservation, including tree planting, rehabilitating injured animals, cleaning up and reconstruction, video documentation of gorillas, etc.


Follow us on Twitter & Instagram @farajaafricafdn. There is no fee for selected Ugandans. As for International Volunteers, you will be required to pay a participation fee of $150. You will be required to communicate your arrival and departure dates (flight booking) to help us arrange for you free local transport from the airport to the venue. Please note, while in Kampala before and after the camp accommodation, arrangements will be your own responsibility, as the organisers we can only help you in the booking process. You will also be required to arrange your own international travel alongside other documentation that follow such as VISAs, etc. A total of 20 International Volunteers will be accepted alongside 30 National Volunteers (whose support fund will be covered under our Youth Programmes if confirmed). Local transport will only be arranged from Kampala, any volunteer not at the setoff point on the agreed time will cover his/her costs.

No financial remuneration of any kind will be offered to any participants such as VISA fees, transport refund and any other. Tents will be provided however you are advised to come along with sleeping bags and heavy/cold weather gear.


Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a World Heritage Site and a biodiverse, mountainous area in southwest Uganda. It’s home to many of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas, who feed on roots, leaves and fruits from the park’s many tree and fern species. Restricted numbers of viewing permits help to protect the endangered gorilla families. In the park, rough paths weave amid dense forests which are home to many butterflies and birds.

For more Information Please Contact us.


#Apply: Job Opportunity-Digital Media Associate (Faraja)-CLOSED!!

Job Description

Position Title: Digital Media Associate

Reports To: Communications Director


The Digital Media Associate will support the mission of Faraja Africa Foundation (FAF) and be a critical team player of FAF’s fast paced and growing Communications Department.

FAF’s Communications Team:

  • Educates the community about the organization’s mission, initiatives, andimpact
  • Advocates for issues important to our client /community
  • Supports FAF’s advocacystrategies
  • Provides a platform for our clients to share their stories on theirterms
  • Engages in tireless mediaadvocacy
  • Coordinates local, national, and international media relationships and priorities placing stories to expose injustice, raise awareness, and move the needle on community conversation
  • Supports the marketing and fundraising efforts of FAF’s Developmentteam

FAF’s media advocacy has been instrumental in exposing injustice, countering misrepresentation and distortion of young people in mainstream media narratives and impacting community conversation on issues impacting Uganda.

The Digital Media Associate’s main role will be to develop and generate content and supportive materials for FAF’s communications through print, web, and social media. The content will be written, video, photo, infographic, illustrative, etc. (Note: emphasis on video and infographiccontent)

Responsibilities (Full-time):

  • Writing – creative, news, editorial, marketing,
  • Interview clients and produce clientstories
  • Videoediting
  • GraphicDesign
  • Copywriting
  • Scheduling content on social media and updatingwebsite
  • Research issues and policies related to FAF and ourwork
  • Track earned media clips (radio, online,television)
  • Monitor and analyse web and social media analytics (Google Analytics experience is A-plus)
  • Develop monthly summary reports for CommunicationsDirector
  • Participate in communications updates and team meetings asneeded
  • Assist Communications Director with media/communications related work, ie. topical issue and policy research
  • Other media/communications related work as needed


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication or the Equivalent
  • Proficient with Microsoft-Office, Adobe-Creative Suite(AdobeIllustrator and/or In Design required)
  • Video shooting and editing experience (Premiere,iMovie, Final Cut)
  • Experience and acumen in developing social mediacontent
  • Experience editing and drafting website content

You’ll thrive in this role if you:

  • Are committed to and engaged in FAF’s mission, clients, anddirection
  • Have the tenacity and willingness to change direction quickly as media needs change or in response to current events
  • Work well both independently andcollaboratively
  • See the big picture and have excellent attention todetail
  • Possess excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal communicationskills
  • Are motivated, creative, and hard working

To apply:

Please send a cover letter, resume, and up-to 10 samples of your portfolio/work product via email to:

*Note: Please include work product/portfolio samples that demonstrate your experience with print, web, social media, video, and graphic design content creation.

Deadline to submit application materials is Sunday, February 17, 2019.